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The Pencil Case, an essential Accessory to range your pens!

We certainly do write less today than we tap away but we still do write by hand and will certainly continue for a long time to come and it is for the best when one knows that writing is the best way to stimulate ones brain! Read more to understand.

Writing by hand is not just a source of joy... to take pen (or pencil) remains to this day the best way to put our thinking cap on. Did you know? Writing down does rack one's brains with great intensity, helps us keep our brains alert and maintain our manual dexterity. It is also a real pleasure to take time to think because on a piece of paper, the hand writes more slowly: it hesitates, it lets ideas come and words organise themselves at their own pace.

Rather important when one knows our brains needs to stay at a certain level of activity slows down aging. Good news, isn't it?

And who who needs to write, needs a Notebook and Pen and therefor a Pencil Case comes in handy! While we propose the Morning Notebook already, we wanted to complete our offer with a Pencil case. An accessory inextricably linked to a Notebook and pen to write. Reminding us of Classic Office Accessories, our School Pencil Case is made of Beautiful Italian Leather with two originalities: its cut-sides and our made-to-measure hourglass on the zip, our signature.

Why is our Pencil Case so useful? Because its cute small size, ensables us to take it everywhere while it takes little room! One can range until 3 pens in it, do we need more while we are out and about? Moreover, if you choose it in a flashy colour, it will illuminate your Desk and you will find it more easily there or in your handbag! This Original and Elegant Pencil Case makes the Perfect Gift for Coworkers and to give it as an ensemble with a notebook, a real success!

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